Categories: agencias

Luis Lacalle Pou: “Uruguay will continue to open up to the world and must stop participating in blocs that are sometimes too protectionist”

The President of Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou, delivered a speech after learning the results of the referendum against the Urgent Consideration Law (LUC), in which the “NO” option achieved a tight 50.51% victory over the “YES”, which achieved 49.49%. “The votes necessary for the repeal of the 135 articles have not been reached,” the president said at the beginning of his speech. “We vindicate the National Parliament where a synthesis is made,” added the president“This is a law that gives more rights, more guarantees and more freedoms,” the president stressed after the results.“The policy of this government will continue to be to open up to the world, belonging to a bloc that has to understand that we have to open up to the world and stop participating in a bloc that is sometimes too protectionist,” Lacalle Pou said in his speech.The president stressed that the law was widely discussed with the opposition in Parliament. He also assured that he is convinced of the project and that they will continue along the path they have undertaken in the last two years.Lacalle expressed his support and support to the police, whom he denounced that they were used for political issues. He also said that from this Monday they will begin to delve into issues related to education, drawing up projects that will be brought back to Parliament for discussion.The House of Senators of the Uruguayan Parliament in MontevideoUruguay lived quietly on the voting day of the referendum against the Urgent Consideration Law (LUC), the star project of the executive of Luis Lacalle Pou (center-right).Those who choose the “Yes” option are in favor of repealing the 135 articles of the LUC and those who vote for “No” seek to keep them. With 90.57% of votes counted by the Electoral Court, No gets 50.66% and Yes gets 49.34%. Electoral Court sources indicated that 99% of the circuits (voting stations) operated without difficulty and 84% of those eligible voted, so it is expected that there will be no problems with the results.In this consultation, the fourth of its kind in post-dictatorship (1973-1985) and separated from presidential elections, which has been interpreted as a kind of rejection or support for Lacalle Pou, the main leaders of the ruling party and the opposition cast their votes amid greetings from their followers on a sunny day.The Uruguayan president voted shortly before noon in Canelones (south), the department (province) in which he was a legislator and where he lived until he won the 2019 elections.News in development…



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