Categories: agencias

The truth behind the video that Russia spread to deny the massacre in Bucha

SENSITIVE MATERIAL. THIS IMAGE MAY OFFEND OR DISTURB A body of a civilian, who according to residents was killed by Russian army soldiers, lies on the street next to a bicycle, amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, in Bucha, in Kyiv region, Ukraine April 2, 2022. REUTERS/Zohra BensemraLast Saturday, images of major international information agencies such as Reuters, AP and AFP began to circulate – first on social media and then on the services of major international information agencies such as Reuters, AP and AFP dozens of bodies of civilians abandoned in the streets of Bucha, a city on the outskirts of the capitalAll civilians, mostly men, the bodies lay on the tracks, on top of their cars, stuck on bicycles… AFP even testifies that there were bodies of civilians executed with their hands tied behind their backs. The international community quickly condemned summary executions and described them as war crimes. For its part, Volodymir Zelensky’s government demanded tougher sanctions to stop Moscow’s atrocities and gave chilling details of the massacres.Now, Nexta disseminated the version that the Kremlin is trying to impose on Russia, using its control of the local media. This is a video recorded from a Russian tank touring Bucha. The images show the bodies on both sides of the road and the military account of the events is heard.At one point, the military man says, “The corpse on the right moves his hand.” However, if the image is enlarged and viewed in slow motion, what is seen is not the right hand of the body rising, but the reflection of a light. With this video Russia tries to install the idea that Ukraine is putting on a show, that there are no such deaths. The narrative is easily detachable, prestigious international media such as the AFP agencies, Reuters and AP were there. They saw through the eyes of their photographers and journalists the lifeless bodies of all those Ukrainian civilians who did not die of natural causes, were executed in a practice prohibited by international law. In addition, Serhii Kaplychny, the chief of the local lifeguards, reported the discovery of two mass graves with civilian remains. One yesterday with 280 bodies and another today with another 75 bodies. Hay cadáveres atrapados en autos (Reuters)
“All these people were shot,” Bucha Mayor Anatoly Fedoruk told AFP. “These are the consequences of the Russian occupation,” he lamented.Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba accused Russia and its soldiers of “deliberate massacre” and said that Moscow wants to “eliminate as many Ukrainians as they can.”Un cuerpo yace en la calle en la frontera entre Bucha e Irpin (Reuters)
“Kiev region. The hell of the 21st century. The bodies of men and women who died with their hands tied. The worst crimes of Nazism are back in Europe. This was done deliberately by Russia,” a counselor in the Ukrainian presidency, Mikhailo Podoliak, tweeted on his side.The International Criminal Court recently opened an investigation into possible war crimes committed in Ukraine, and some Western leaders, including US President Joe Biden, called Russian President Vladimir Putin a “war criminal.”El cuerpo de una mujer tendido en la calle (REUTERS/Zohra Bensemra)Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky also accused Russian soldiers of planting mines and other traps as they withdrew from northern Ukraine. “They are leaving behind a complete disaster and many dangers (…) First, air strikes could continue. Second, they are mining the entire territory, mining houses, equipment, even the bodies of people they killed,” he said yesterday in a video message.KEEP READING:Ukraine revealed chilling images of the massacre perpetrated by Russia in BuchaInfobae in Irpin: graves in the squares, destroyed tanks and a row of burned cars in the village that experienced the worst battles of the warThe shocking images of the destruction caused by Russian troops in IrpinHow does the Wagner Group work, the mercenary force linked to Vladimir PutinWhy Ukraine must defeat Russia



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