The Electric Reform was discussed and voted on in the plenary of the Chamber of Deputies this Sunday, after a rescheduling of almost a week at the request of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena), on the grounds of making it known to the public, although the opposition pointed to a strategy to obtain the necessary votes for its approval.After almost 12 hours of discussion, endless participation and some mishaps, including a request to crucify opposition legislators, the outcome against this initiative was announced.With 275 votes in favor, 223 against and zero abstentions, there was no qualified majority, so the opposition bloc rejected the proposal and began to celebrate in the face of Morena and her allies by singing the national anthem and shouting the slogan “Yes we could”.This result was already foreseen from an early hour, which is why clashes and remarks began between different politicians on social networks because of their differences on this issue, although even within the cherry party more quarrels over this reform were also revealed.It was the writer and strong critic of the movement’s actions, John Ackerman, who pointed out Mario Delgado Carrillo, Morena’s national leader, as the main person responsible for the defeat of the proposal promoted by López Obrador.(Foto: Twitter)He argued that it was his fault that he lost 50 seats during the June 2021 elections, because his term at the head of this political organization prioritized his “unpresentable friends” in some governorships, such as Felix Salgado Macedonio in Guerrero,“If @PartidoMorenaMx had not lost more than 50 seats in the 2021 elections, #ReformaElectrica would have already been approved. The main culprit for the current situation is @mario_delgado, who always prioritized his unpresentable friends over winning candidacies,” said Ackerman.*Information in development…
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