Russia threatened Finland and Sweden over their intention to join NATO: “They have to understand the consequences”

María Zajárova, portavoz del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores ruso, en una imagen de archivo. EFE/ Sergei Ilnitsky The accession of…

2 years ago

The case of Jan Marsalek, one of the most wanted scammers in the world who now does business guarded by the Russian secret service

Wirecard Jan Marsalek PROne of the main suspects in the Wirecard scandal, Jan Marsalek, wanted by Interpol after the spectacular…

2 years ago

The truth behind the video that Russia spread to deny the massacre in Bucha

SENSITIVE MATERIAL. THIS IMAGE MAY OFFEND OR DISTURB A body of a civilian, who according to residents was killed by…

2 years ago

Le Parti communiste du Venezuela a dénoncé le meurtre d’un autre militant et a accusé le système judiciaire chaviste de ne pas avoir enquêté

Le Parti communiste du Venezuela (PCV) a dénoncé lundi le meurtre de son militant Juan de Dios Hernández dans l'État…

2 years ago